I have had several requests to post a video about making the Two Hour Tulip Purse. It is now available on my You Tube channel, Anything But Boring, as well as my website. I am writing about it here to let you know that it is available, and to say that although we had excellent lighting, good step outs, a good camera and all, it is not perfect. Is anything ever perfect? No! Next time I do videos, I think I will remove my camera from its case. My case is a Lifeproof and perhaps it is also “videoproof” because everything seems to be a bit fuzzy. And even though the lighting is excellent, the camera does not see things the same way our eyes see them. The shirt I am wearing for this video is royal blue. Some of the fabric I am using is black, and they two look the same on camera. Ugg! So I live and learn! Hope you enjoy the video! It is the last one on this page:
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My son-in-laws mother recently passed away. She had cut out a few pieces of your 2 hour tulip purse but we cannot find the pattern or the other pieces in her stash. Is it available on-line or would we have to purchase the pattern? All she has here are the fabric requirements. She had cut out out 4 pieces that look like tulips and the batting to match.
You can send me an email to info@anythingbutboring.com